People Pleasers
Your super power of knowing people’s needs is also your kryptonite.
Exhausted parents who need support with children who are neurodiverse and/or have mental health challenges.
People of Colour
Folks dealing with racial trauma and wanting to heal and embrace their racial identity.
People With Neurodivergence
Adults who want to better self-advocate around their neurodivergence (ADHD/ADD, Autism).
Pretty Anxious
Changing your relationship with anxiety so that it doesn’t continue to boss you around and run your life.
Dear Burnt-out People Pleaser,
Your super power of reading people’s needs has become your kryptonite.
What gave you strength is now sapping all of your energy.
You used to think that this was the only way to be, to exist. Making sure that everyone else is taken care of, so that you’ll be taken care of. But now you see this is not true. You can take care of everyone’s needs and still not feel taken care of. If anything, it’s left you even more empty.
It’s also hard when you feel like you can’t tell the difference between your own needs and other people’s needs. It’s so automatic for you to think of someone else first that you assume it’s what you want too.
I want to work with you to help you keep your super power, but to use that power of helping others to also help yourself. Help you tune in to what you need.
I will work with you to identify what you need to get started in this process and help you practice being more attuned and attentive to your own needs without the guilt or feeling selfish.
Dear Parents,
Video games, ADHD, Gender Identity, TikTok, Snapchat……I know it’s hard trying to keep up with all this stuff.
There are no manuals on how to be a parent. This can be draining. Living in a fast-paced world, where you are juggling kids and running a home - leaves you little time to learn and access all the things you need to parent confidently.
Now, it seems like the questions are unending and the answers are few and confusing.
You would like a safe space to ask questions and say the things that you may not be able to utter in other settings:
“I don’t know how to talk to my kid about ADHD, autism, race, sex, gender, religion.”
“I’m actually tired of being a parent. I love my kids but I hate being a parent. I’m exhausted.”
I have heard these things and it’s okay to feel this way and that you can talk about it without judgement.
I’m here to support you whether it’s specific to navigating school challenges for your child/children or just to support you in figuring out your own role as a parent.
Dear Person of Colour,
I see you. I see your colour.
You may have heard others say, “I don’t see colour” and that has hurt you in ways that people wouldn’t know. From the moment you wake, you’re aware of your colour, and all the layers attached to it. You’re aware that who you are isn’t always received and welcomed in all spaces.
You’ve learned to adjust, accommodate, and assimilate yourself into dominant society in order to fit in, to survive.
It hasn’t been safe being who you are in your skin. Perhaps you don’t have a lot of people to talk to about this, since this is also beyond skin colour. There are systems at work that were built to use colour to separate people. Perhaps you grew up in a multi-racial home, or are a child of immigrant parents where you’ve been racialized from birth and you’ve navigated questions of race all your life.
There may be pain and confusion in the experience. You don’t feel like you belong anywhere. You wonder how to embrace this part of your identity. There may be some deep sense of shame and anger that comes out in ways that surprise you.
I want to hold space for you to speak your truth, to explore your racial identity and to help you move into a place of ease and confidence with this part of you.
Dear Pretty Anxious,
Do you feel like your anxiety has taken over your life where it impacts your sleep, appetite, relationships and ability to live?
Racing thoughts spinning in the mind all the time.
Finding it hard to sleep at night because the worries crowd out everything.
Hard to leave the house to go to work or see people. It drains you quickly, just the thought of it.
Do you have habits that you are ashamed of or struggling with that you can’t talk to anyone about because they are tied in with how anxious you feel?
I want to help you cultivate a different relationship with your anxiety.
I will support you to examine how anxiety has shaped you and work towards channeling your anxiety into a more integrated and helpful part of your life.
Dear Person w/ Neurodivergence,
ADHD, ADD, Autism. I am very familiar with these terms.
First off, there is nothing wrong with you. This is who you are. Yes, you have been given some medical labels so that other people can “make sense” of who you are and how you operate.
You live in a world that expects a high amount of conformity and compliance - but you are often the person who thinks outside of the box, has a sensitivity to details or ideas that no one else does, and someone who engages differently with the world.
You have felt misunderstood, mislabelled and may have even been mistreated at school, in social settings or even at home.
It has been a long and often lonely road with lots of struggles around what it means to be yourself in a world that does not always appreciate who you are and what you have to offer.
And now, you’re an adult.
Perhaps you got diagnosed when you were a child, or perhaps you just came to this understanding now as an adult.
Either way, you long to have the language, support and perspective to be able to live your best life. You want to embrace this normal human variation and to feel confident moving about the world being you.
You’re tired of wearing the “normal” mask to fit in.
You want to be you.
You want to be accepted as you.
I am here for this journey to come alongside and support you to a new place of deeper confidence and self-love.
Who I Work With.
Burnt-out People Pleasers
Helping emotional paramedics help themselves. Supporting parents, leaders, therapists and all who are in official and non-official caregiving roles. Helping overgivers to be more attuned to their own needs and to integrate self-care into their life more authentically.
Self-Esteem and Anxiety
Supporting clients to move from highly anxious ways of living to being more free, confident, self-compassionate and self-loving through connecting clients to their inner parts.
Parent Coaching and Consultation
Counselling parents with children and teens who are demonstrating challenging behaviours and/or learning about neurodiversity ( ADHD, FASD, ASD). Supporting guardians to work through their own personal triggers and to be a regulated and present parent. Helping parents navigate the educational system and offering strategies for the home. Writing letters or reports for other health care professionals for parents who need documentation for further testing.
Racial Trauma - Equity Work
Supporting racialized clients to process their experiences from an anti-oppression, anti-racist lens. Faciliating therapeutic work for racialized clients to work through racial trauma and systemic oppression.
Supporting adults who are neurodiverse (ADHD/ADD, Autism) to embrace their strengths and better self-advocate with their challenges. Helping neurodiverse individuals to engage with others and in the world meaningfully and confidently.